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Rove Victim Speaks; D+ grade for Bankster “Reform”

Former Miss. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz hammers special counsel report: no criminal charges in Rove’s improper role in US Attorney firings. Justice Diaz was tried and acquitted twice in political trials, but political donor and co-defendant Paul Minor was convicted. Justice Diaz scopes out the national pattern of 200+ political prosecutions under Bush, and now represents Die Hard director John McTiernan, who produced a powerful video you can watch here. Bill Black was a bank regulator in the ’80’s and now teaches economics and law at Univ of Missouri-Kansas City. He gives the Dodd-Frank “financial reform” bill a D+, starting at about 58:30 in the show.

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Iran defector: No Nukes; Judge dings Justice Kennedy

Ex-CIA agent Philip Giraldi on defecting Iranian nuke scientist; retired Judge Richard Tuttle hammers Justice Kennedy for corporate mindset. Giraldi, who writes for and the American Conservative, says that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri told US intelligence that Iran has no active nuclear weapons program and he’s not a double agent. Judge Tuttle is a wise elder who exposes Justice Kennedy’s past as a corporate lobbyist, and blames him for the 2 worst Court decisions of the past 50 years. Segment 2 starts at 33:15 You can click here to read Judge Tuttle’s full-page ad.

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Info on Podcast #153

Child detainee challenges our kangaroo court; Obama denounces GOP as PBC cheers; Chew reviews Inception. Prof. Lisa Hajjar was at Guantanamo for a recent session of the infamous military commissions for Omar Khadr, a Canadian who was picked up in Afghanistan in 2002 when he was 15. Prof. Hajjar is a sociologist from UC Santa Barbara and an editor of Middle East Report who details the Khadr case, the flimsy evidence (including torture-induced false confessions) and the remarkable competence displayed by the now-23-year-old as he has fired lawyers, demanded to represent himself, and threatened to boycott the proceedings. The American military lawyers assigned to represent him show remarkable courage in denouncing a rigged system. Prof. Hajjar also comments on the recent Supreme Court denial of an appeal from another Canadian brutalized by the US, Maher Arar. Her detailed article is here, and adds important new details and context to the Arar case. Two other Canadians were also held in Syria, where they were tortured and interrogated at the same time as Arar; one was a friend from Toronto who was the original focus of investigators. While a Canadian commission fully investigated the Arar case and delivered a formal apology and $10.5 million settlement to Arar, the US courts have consistently blocked his access to justice. In the second segment starting at 1:03 you will hear President Obama’s weekly radio/internet address interlaced with PBC’s comments. For the first time, Obama directly criticizes Republicans in the Senate for blocking extension of unemployment benefits and loans for small business. PBC cheers, sort of. And Gary Chew has a review of the new film Inception that you’ve gotta hear, maybe twice. Like the movie, his review is based on dreams, and like its star, Leo DiCaprio, Gary is a writer/actor of considerable talent. The Chew review starts at 1:16:30

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Info on Podcast #152

BP’s blowout: a view from Florida’s Gulf coast; Karl Rove’s “biggest mistake”; FCC obscenity ban overturned. Author H.P. Albarelli, Jr. joins us from his oil-free beach just west of Tampa Bay on the Gulf coast of Florida. He talks about his recent piece for about the disaster, which leads to broader criticism of Obama’s weak leadership on this crisis, poor appointments, and failure to bounce Bush appointees. Albarelli also talks about an outbreak of dengue fever in Key West, which is one of the locations where the CIA tested dengue as a weapon in the 1950’s; he points out that the symptoms of dengue are very similar to the symptoms of people who are exposed to oil dispersant chemicals like Corexit. His powerful book about US chemical and biological warfare efforts is called A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments. His article on dengue fever will appear soon at PBC comments on Karl Rove’s Wall St. Journal column July 15 entitled “My Biggest Mistake in the White House”. Rove tries to make the case that Bush didn’t lie about WMD in Iraq, with more lies. And your humble host closes with a string of obscenities that have been broadcast on TV, as an appeals court overturned the ban on “fleeting expletives”. Warning: f-bombs in this podcast!

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Info on Podcast #151

Gitmo, still open; an Israeli whitewash; Obama’s “disgusting” policies. Andy Worthington, British journalist and author of The Guantanamo Files updates us on Guantanamo: 93 % of the prisoners Bush and Cheney called “the worst of the worst” were innocent. 60 of the 181 remaining detainees are innocent Yemenis whose release is blocked by Obama’s moratorium, which is being snubbed by federal judges; 48 others are designated to be held indefinitely without trial, only 35 will face trials, including the KSM posse. Read Andy’s frequent updates on his website, and please support him if you can. PBC offers news and commentary on Israel’s “investigation” of its attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla on May 31, starting at 1 hour 2 minutes into the podcast. In the third segment starting about 1:11 Roger Shuler returns to talk about the Siegelman case, and a recent commentary he wrote about the Obama administration’s policies on whistleblowers and civil liberties, where he quotes Anthony Romero of the ACLU who is “disgusted” with Obama’s policies. Bonus music with meaning from Neil Young and John Fogerty.

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We’ve just reached a deal with, which distributes podcasts and other audio content to mobile phones and other devices. So check out Stitcher and let your friends and fiends know that they can listen to PBC on iPhones, Droids and Blackberrys!

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Info on Podcast #150

Jason Leopold on BP’s pattern of reckless mismanagement; PBC talks back to Tim Geithner. Leopold is a great investigative journalist and deputy managing editor at Truthout. His latest in-depth report on BP’s dangerous practices in Alaska has led to the resignation of BP’s CEO of Alyeska, Kevin Hostler; it has also led corporate media outlets like CNN, AP and the Wall St. Journal to plagiarize Truthout’s exclusive reporting. Hostler is exposed as an intimidating manager who rammed through cost cutting as engineers warned of increased risk. There was a leak from the pipeline this May, and response was slow because Hostler had moved staff away from the pipeline. Leopold’s story is a must-read, and there’s more in the interview. In the second segment, starting about 51:08, your humble host replays an interview with Geithner from the PBS News Hour, and calls “bullshit” on the many evasions and spins served up in response to critical questions about the prospects for recovery for working Americans. Geithner dances around the most serious issues with PR talking points; cheerleading for Wall St., he ignores the reality that manufacturing jobs will not be returning and many more people will lose their homes.

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PBC subs for Thom Hartmann 7/8

I’ve been asked to sit in on the national Thom Hartmann Program this Thursday, July 8. The show is live on most affiliates noon-3pm EDT and 9-noon PDT and streams live at

One topic we will definitely cover is the sneaky tactics used by the House leadership to pass more funding for the war and escalation in Afghanistan. Will one of the progressive House members who played along with this game be willing to talk about it? We’ll see.

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Info on Podcast #149

Gov. Don Siegelman on Supreme Court ruling; David Swanson on sneaky House vote for war funding. Gov. Siegelman may benefit from the recent Supreme Court ruling for ex-Enron CEO Jeff Skilling, which invalidated the “honest services” statute. The Court has since returned the Siegelman-Scrushy convictions to the 11th Circuit for review. Siegelman tells how Karl Rove and friends framed him, how Elena Kagan backs prosecutors over the wrongfully convicted, and his prospects for justice in the next legal rounds. Swanson, author of Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union is a tireless progressive activist and the cofounder of After Downing Street Coalition. He deconstructs the bizarre tactics used by House leaders to fund the escalation in Afghanistan without leaving fingerprints. Read his excellent article about it here. We run down the list of members who voted against the tactics and the bill for the right reasons–and can only identify 8. While many Dems spoke out against the war and escalation, only those 8 had the courage to actually vote against it–a new low. We describe the strange politics of this moment–Republicans, who all support the war, voted against the funding, while most anti-war Dems voted for it. And now, Obama threatens a veto over the part of the bill intended to stop teacher layoffs.

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Info on Podcast #148

Stem Cell Clinical Trials; Commentary on Kagan Confirmation; movie review: Mother and Child. Dr. Eva Feldman of the University of Michigan has exciting news on clinical trials of stem cells on ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease) patients. States like California and Michigan bypassed Bush-era restrictions on stem cell research, and we are seeing real promise for halting deterioration in ALS patients. Dr. Feldman is quite impressive, and explains the science and procedures simply and vividly. Please share this interview with families struggling with ALS and other diseases like Parkinson’s and diabetes. Prof. Marjorie Cohn offers smart comments from a progressive perspective on Elena Kagen and the “vapid” process (Kagan’s words) of Supreme Court confirmation. Most troubling to Prof. Cohn is almost-Justice Kagan’s brief to deny habeas corpus rights to prisoners at Bagram in Afghanistan, even those not picked up in Afghanistan. And Gary Chew has a summer movie review of Mother and Child and a song from the movie, Little One by Lucy Schwartz. For easy access, the Kagan segment starts at 31:00 and the Chew-review is at 56:00.