Posted on Categories PBC Comments, Podcast Info

Long-term Impact of Drop in Calif. Property Values; Lobbyists “Giddy” over “Speaker Boehner”

David Cay Johnston, former N.Y. Times reporter, details ominous signs in decline in property values, and comments on current tax cut food fights; Craig Holman of Public Citizen on GOP leader Boehner’s close ties to lobbyists. Continue reading Long-term Impact of Drop in Calif. Property Values; Lobbyists “Giddy” over “Speaker Boehner”

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Barbaric Conditions at US Immigration Prisons; Creech 14 Protest Drone Attacks

Tony Hefner, former guard at prison for immigrants, reveals rape, sexual abuse, brutal treatment of inmates and guards. Bill Quigley, legal director at Center for Constitutional Rights, confirms that those problems continue, and talks about the Creech 14. Will Durst comments on the shifting fortunes of Democrats. Continue reading Barbaric Conditions at US Immigration Prisons; Creech 14 Protest Drone Attacks

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Tom Englehardt on Obama’s Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Tom Englehardt, book editor and proprietor of joins us to talk about his book, compiled from dispatches, The American Way of War: How Bush’s Wars Became Obama’s. This is the next installment of the Boiling Frogs interview series, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds. Continue reading Tom Englehardt on Obama’s Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Boston Tea Party–a Different Flavor; Mercury in Dental Fillings

Darryl W. Perry, Chair of Boston Tea Party, separates his group from corporate-driven astroturf teabaggers; Charles G. Brown of Consumers for Dental Choice warns of mercury in fillings. Will Durst comments on the lie that Obama is a Muslim. Continue reading Boston Tea Party–a Different Flavor; Mercury in Dental Fillings

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Ray McGovern on Iraq and AfPak Wars, WikiLeaks, and Goldberg’s Saber Rattling on Iran

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and longtime contributor to the PBC show, sits for his first Boiling Frogs interview, co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds. Topics include Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, WikiLeaks and Jeffrey Goldberg’s call for war with Iran. Continue reading Ray McGovern on Iraq and AfPak Wars, WikiLeaks, and Goldberg’s Saber Rattling on Iran

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

Tribute to Michael Been

Michael Been, lead singer and songwriter of The Call, died unexpectedly on August 19. In this special podcast, PBC remembers his power and passion, along with snippets from Been’s impressive repertoire. At summer’s end, we take a break from news and politics to honor Michael Been. Continue reading Tribute to Michael Been

Posted on Categories Podcast Info, Politics

CIA Experimented with LSD on Kids; Will Durst Comments on Mosque Madness

Journalist Hank Albarelli returns, with “Marion” who tells how she was forced to take LSD 10 times; comedian/satirist Will Durst comments on the proposed mosque/community center in lower Manhattan. Continue reading CIA Experimented with LSD on Kids; Will Durst Comments on Mosque Madness