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Ex-Detainee on Life After Gitmo; FBI Raids & Secret GPS Monitoring; Col. Ann Wright on Israel’s Deadly Attack on Flotilla & Creech 14 Update; Will Durst: Got No Milk

“Abdul” on Life After Guantanamo: Another Level of Hell; Shahid Buttar on recent FBI Raids; FBI can track your car without warrant; Col. Ann Wright on 5/31/10 Israeli attack on Gaza Flotilla and update on Creech 14 trial; Will Durst on the evils of milk. Continue reading Ex-Detainee on Life After Gitmo; FBI Raids & Secret GPS Monitoring; Col. Ann Wright on Israel’s Deadly Attack on Flotilla & Creech 14 Update; Will Durst: Got No Milk

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New Nuke Plant Cancelled, Obama Blunders on Climate Change; New Griffin Book Challenges Cass Sunstein; Chew Reviews Facebook Movie

Michael Marriotte comments on cancellation of new nuke plant and The New Yorker’s report on failed climate change legislation; Tod Fletcher subs for David Ray Griffin on DRG’s shredding of White House advisor Cass Sunstein’s attack on 9/11 truth advocates; and Gary Chew reviews The Social Network. Continue reading New Nuke Plant Cancelled, Obama Blunders on Climate Change; New Griffin Book Challenges Cass Sunstein; Chew Reviews Facebook Movie

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Iran, China Try to Hack D.C. Voting System, as U Mich DOES Hack It; Novelist Mike Palecek on “Camp America”

Bradblog Bombshell: U of Michigan team hacks into D.C. election system, finds evidence that Chinese and Iranian computers had tried to hack in; novelist Mike Palecek on his latest, Camp America Continue reading Iran, China Try to Hack D.C. Voting System, as U Mich DOES Hack It; Novelist Mike Palecek on “Camp America”

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Gerrymandering Denies Voters’ Rights, Lets Legislators Choose Their Voters

Gerrymandering is a powerful new documentary about the ways our elected officials draw the maps that deprive voters a real choice in most state and Congressional elections. Director Jeff Reichert and Kathay Feng of Common Cause. California voters, don’t be fooled: Yes on 20, No on 27. Continue reading Gerrymandering Denies Voters’ Rights, Lets Legislators Choose Their Voters

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Obama’s Hypocritical Positions on Torture; PBC says “I’ll Stop Whining If….”; Ted Rall’s Anti-American Manifesto; Will Durst

Truthout’s Jason Leopold: Obama’s contradictory positions on torture; PBC’s memo to Obama and Biden–“I’ll stop whining when…”; Ted Rall talks about his new book, The Anti-American Manifesto; Will Durst on Democratic whiners. Continue reading Obama’s Hypocritical Positions on Torture; PBC says “I’ll Stop Whining If….”; Ted Rall’s Anti-American Manifesto; Will Durst

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Mad-As-Hell-Doctors Fight for Single Payer; Poverty in US Jumps, Do You Give a Damn?; Chew Reviews “Wall St.”

The Mad As Hell Doctors rally for single payer and expose the lies of the right about opposition to “ObamaCare”; Gwendolyn Mink reports on the 4-million increase in poverty in US last year; and Gary Chew reviews “Wall Street Money Never Sleeps”. Continue reading Mad-As-Hell-Doctors Fight for Single Payer; Poverty in US Jumps, Do You Give a Damn?; Chew Reviews “Wall St.”

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Andy Worthington: 9th Circuit Says “Secrecy Rules”; Will Durst is Mad, Really Mad!

Andy Worthington reports on Appeals Court ruling against victims of torture and rendition, declaring “secret” what we already know; Will Durst has some anger issues. Continue reading Andy Worthington: 9th Circuit Says “Secrecy Rules”; Will Durst is Mad, Really Mad!

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Barking Dog, PBC goes “Doh!!”

In podcast 175 with Jonathan Simon, my partner Kathee popped in while we were recording, and our new puppy Chloe Rose responded with a happy round of barking. In the original audio file that went out, you heard Jonathan and me pause the conversation for about 30 seconds and I said to Jon, “Don’t worry, I’ll edit this out.” But I forgot, until later that night when I smacked my (expansive) forehead in a Homer Simpson moment. The file has been fixed, but I can’t recall the original. So enjoy that moment of verite, and this photo of Chloe Rose!