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info on Podcast Show #3

Podcast #4 <!– @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } –>

Just a year ago, John Laird was battling Arnold Schwarzenegger over the California budget mess. The former Chair of the Assembly Budget Committee talks about the ongoing fight, and Arnold’s plans to blow up the Waste Management Board (where Laird now works) even though it gets no revenue from the state general fund. Peter B. also talks with Roger Shuler of about the case of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, who was railroaded into prison by pals of Karl Rove and is getting stiff-armed by the Obama Justice Department.

Go to “Get Podcasts” to listen to this show

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info on Podcast Show #2

Podcast #4 <!– @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } –>

Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds unveils the new website, and details her criticism of Newsweek’s Michael Issikoff for his failure to report important information about serious problems at the FBI’s translations office, while reporting official denials he knew were false. And PBC serves up a rant about the bad coverage of recent events by the corporate media and some progressives.

go to “Get Podcasts” to listen to this show

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info on Podcast Show #1

Journalist Robert Dreyfuss of The Nation talks about the latest “terrorist plot”, just another bunch of losers egged on by a paid FBI informant. Dreyfuss also talks about his trip to Iran to cover the presidential election. And Brad Friedman from updates us on the ongoing legal battle over Sen. Al Franken’s election, and more.

go to “Get Podcasts” to listen to this show

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Update for the PBC 'Base"

This dispatch from your humble host is going out to all emails in our database, starting 6.7.09

June 7, 2009

Dear Friend,

I’m pleased to report that the launch of my new online radio show is near.  The next time you hear from me, it will be an alert that the first program is posted online.  You are part of the Peter B. “base” of supporters, and the first to know of our plans.

Many of you have already been listening on the internet, so it will be easier for you to connect to our series of Podcasts at, at iTunes, or at

If you don’t understand podcasting, please be assured that you don’t need to have an iPod or even go to iTunes to hear the show.  You can just visit and find the latest shows.  You can listen right there on demand, or go to iTunes (for free) and subscribe to have the show downloaded to you computer right after we release it.  You can then listen to the show on your computer, or transfer it to a CD or MP3 player, including an iPod or iPhone.

When we signed off of AM radio in March, many of you pledged to subscribe to our podcast series.  Some of you even made advance payments of up to a year—thanks!  If you are able, please stop by and click on “You Can Help”  You can make a one time contribution, or (soon) you can set up a monthly subscription at the amount of your choice.

And if you know of possible advertisers or sponsors, please let me know!

With your support, I will be able to deliver 2 or 3 podcasts each week, with 45 minutes to an hour on each episode.  I’m pleased to tell you that Katrina Rill will continue as my producer, helping me shape the topics and lining up great guests to talk with.  We are ready to bring you more great—well, I guess I still think of them as “radio programs”—but they will be on your computer instead of your radio.  With the right accessories, you can even listen in the car.

So stand by for our next communiqué!


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Hear PBC on a podcast!

I’m still planning to launch the PBC podcast in June, and in the meantime, I joined media critic and progressive leader Norman Solomon on a podcast hosted by Joan Kenley.  The show is called “The Media: What’s True, What’s Not” and we explore the media’s role in the selling of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other issues.

Find the podcast at starting April 11.

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One door closes………

and another door has opened.  A few callers used that phrase to comfort me during our last week on the air.  I don’t quite consider it a cliche, because it’s true, too often.

The week after I signed off, I stopped in Sacramento–on my way to ski at Lake Tahoe–to visit Lt. Governor John Garamendi.  The meeting was requested by my friend John Ames, who has started the Genomics Education Institute and wanted to update the LG on his progress.  At the end of the meeting, I told Mr. Garamendi that I had gotten to know him pretty well through our radio interviews (dating back to 1990), and that I think he is the best candidate for Governor next year. And I mentioned that I’d like to work on his campaign when it gets rolling, as media consultant.

Since the primary is 14 months away, I didn’t expect any immediate response.  To my surprise, John called back a few days later, and on April 3 I was hired as consultant on media and message.  We are gearing up for the Democratic state convention in Sacramento April 24-26, so I’m now immersed in the policies and politics of California.

It’s pretty easy to be an outside critic with a radio show, but when you dive into the political pool–some would say “cesspool”–at a crisis point like today, it’s sobering and scary.  California is in very deep trouble, and we really can’t continue to play the special interest games that have ruled Sacramento for as long as I’ve followed the action.  The stakes are really high, we have a fictional budget that will soon collapse, again, as most Democratic leaders have been forced into a diabolical partnership with the Governator to pass a 6-pack of ballot measures on May 19 that will only make things worse, if they pass.

Garamendi has experience and vision, and the courage to lead us out of this mess–that’s why I offered to work for him.   Let me know if you support John, and would like to help in your area.

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For Now, "That's All, Folks"

Friday’s final broadcast was bittersweet–great guests like Bob Dreyfuss, Bruce Fein, Rev. Robin Meyers sipping wine with us in studio, plus regulars Bob Parry Brad Friedman and more.

Thanks to all for helping us wrap things up for this phase of PBC on the radio.  Be sure to email me so we can alert you when our podcasts launch–

Thanks to each of you who made a contribution via paypal or sending a check.  If you are able, we can still use your support to retire our debt and gear up for the next phase.  Just click on “You can help” for the PayPal link or our mailing address.

Feel free to email with your comments and suggestions about our upcoming podcasts–I’ve gotten a lot of good input already from smart listeners.

Thanks again for all the love and kind comments–it’s like I got to read my obits while I’m still kickin’!

Talk to you soon!


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Thanks for all the Pledges!!

Activist listeners rallied to try to save the PBC Show, and I’m gratified by more than 200 people from all over the world (including Japan, Costa Rica and Hawaii) who emailed to pledge an average of $10 a month to support the program.

While this isn’t enough to reverse course, most of those who pledged said they would subscribe to our podcast in the future.  At this difficult time, it buoys me to see so many people who value what we do and want to keep it going.

So, with the support of current online listeners, I know we can launch a podcast show in June, and I’m excited about it.  If you want to be alerted when we launch, be sure to email me so I can add you to our list (which will not be shared with anyone else).

By the way, “podcast” has become a generic term for listening via the internet.  If you don’t have an iPod or other player, you can still listen on your computer, download the show and burn to CD or other means of making it portable.

I realize that some of our current AM listeners won’t make the transition, and I will miss you.  It’s possible that the podcast will be formatted for weekend broadcast on AM stations, and we can let you know if an when that happens.   In any event, Happy Trails to you!


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I made a tough decision….

On Friday, I delivered the news of my decision to end the daily broadcasts of the PBC Show.

Our last live broadcast will be Friday, March 20, which will replay on some stations through March 22.

Since we started on KRXA in 2005, I’ve been covering the costs of producing the show and delivering it to our affiliate stations by satellite.  With phone bills and the other expenses, it adds up to more than $5,000 a month. We get a little advertising revenue and some generous listeners contribute, but most of it is absorbed by my small business, Collins Media Services.  Until last summer, I was able to cover the costs from my work as a radio producer and consultant.  Like everyone else, the Bush recession has hit me hard.

To make money in syndication, we need to be on 20+ stations and at least one of the big 3, NY, LA, Chicago.  As an independent, self-syndicated show, we’ve had to compete with Air America, Dial-Global and Nova M programs, and for various reasons, the PBC Show didn’t break through.  Air America is the brand that most people connect with progressive talk radio, and their bankruptcy and sequence of blunders has, unfortunately, defined our collective efforts in a negative way that has provided an easy target for the non-liberal media.  As a result, the total number of stations offering progressive talk in the US peaked at about 105 in 2006, and is now around 70.  Miami, DC, and even Ann Arbor have lost their progressive stations in the last month.

Over the past 3.75 years, I’ve tried it all.  I pitched all of the Air America programmers except the current one, who never returned my calls or emails.  I was offered a deal by Nova M, but they reneged in a bizarre story I’m saving for my talk-n-tell book. Air America just announced that Montel Williams will be their new offering in the Thom Hartmann time slot, which tells us that Jerry Springer’s flameout was just their first attempt to retread a tabloid TV host as a “progressive” radio host.

As I said on Friday, I’m very proud of what we’ve done here, and grateful to my partner, Kathee Shatter, for indulging my risky business, and to two exceptional producers:  Matt Renner (now DC editor at and Katrina Rill.  Katrina was with me when we euthanized my satellite radio show, and I’m sorry she has to go through it again.

I’m grateful to every listener, even the ones who think I’m full of it, for taking the time to listen.  And to those who called and emailed and sent letters and checks, I couldn’t have done this without you.  To the many fine guests who spent time on the show, and especially to the regulars, I thank you for your immeasurable contributions to my program and to the knowledge base of my listeners.

Thanks for all the emails in response to this news, I will try to answer as many as I can, and all will be saved so we can notify you of future plans. I’m not going away, and may launch a podcast and/or weekend radio show after I take a break to recharge and re-wealth.  Special recognition to generous individuals who have clicked on “You Can Help” and made contributions, including the whopper from Seattle.  Your contributions will be used to retire some debt, pay off the bills and give Katrina and Nick something extra for their dedication.  No pressure, no guilt, but if you can help, you have my gratitude.

Many people who heard the $5,000 monthly cost figure have emailed to pledge $10 a month and said, “how do we find the other 499?”  We have tried that to some extent, but I don’t want to turn the show into a pledge-a-thon, ’cause I listen to the radio, too, and don’t like them.  Plus, I’m well aware that many of my listeners can’t even spare $10 a month right now.  Overall, I don’t think we can shift to a voluntary subscription plan to produce a reliable funding stream.

If you disagree, email me:  Tell me if you’re willing to subscribe for at least 6 months, and how much you can pay.  If enough people respond by Monday night 3/16, I will make a final review of this decision. Dave Berman in Eureka, Tom McAfee in SF, and Aldous Tyler in Madison have offered to coordinate this kind of effort, but I need to give them your names and emails.

Keep listening this week, call in when you can–we’ll try to get allof our favorite guests to check in, too.



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Upgrade in Seattle!

Effective Monday, March 9, The Peter B. Collins Show will air Monday through Friday from 6 to 9 pm on KPTK 1090 AM.  We are delighted, so please spread the word to your friends and contacts in the Northwest.