Investigative journalist Jason Leopold updates Holder’s plans for limited torture investigations; musician David Ippolito leads a grassroots effort to pressure Holder to do more; and Jim Motavalli warns of untested nano-products. Read Leopold’s excellent reporting on BushCo crimes and ObamaCo’s failure to investigate and enforce the laws. Jason also has the exclusive that White House Counsel Greg Craig may be on the way out, and details Craig’s coziness with Karl Rove and other Republicans. Ippolito is the NYC musician, and is running a commercial on MSNBC that starts out with the graphic “Torture is Wrong” and includes part of his song “Resolution“. His story is inspiring, and he needs your help! Motavalli, senior writer for E The Environmental Magazine, says nanotechnology has much to offer, but that nanoproducts like sunscreen don’t disclose the nanocontent, and have not been tested.
Category: Blog
Info on Podcast #23
Thom Hartmann, Rep. Joe Sestak, and Gary Chew’s review of the new documentary, The Cove. Thom is my favorite progressive radio host, and we talk about his departure from Air America as well as the ideas in his newest book, Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture. Thom argues that we are facing economic challenges, global warming, and population growth, and we have some disagreement about imigration policy. Pennsylvania Democrat Joe Sestak, the retired 3-star Navy admiral, announced that he will challenge nouveau-Demo Arlen Specter in the Senate primary next year. Sestak is very smart, he listens, and responds with thoughtful comments, not just rehearsed sound bites. He earns high marks for pledging to restore the constitution and end illegal domestic surveillance, and for critical thinking about Afghanistan and other foreign policy issues. Gary Chew, our official film reviewer, says “The Cove” is a moving documentary about dolphin slaughter in Japan, and I get to tell my story of an amazing encounter with a group of dolphins while sailing in the Caribbean.
Info on Podcast #22
NSA whistleblower Russell D. Tice, who was the first to report that journalists were targeted by illegal domestic wiretapping and surveillance, joins us for the second installment of the Boiling Frogs interview series, co-hosted by Sibel Edmonds. Tice tells us he was briefed on more than 200 “black” programs over his 20+ years in US intelligence, and expresses deep concern that Bush-era surveillance may have compromised many of our political leaders. For more information, go to We plan to post a new Boiling Frogs interview on Tuesdays.
info on Podcast #21
Obama’s disappointing health insurance reform; a new group called Progressives for Immigration Reform; Tommy Panik on Larry Craig’s new consulting firm; and an obit on Rev. Ike. In our first segment, Dr. Len Saputo and Byron Belitsos talk about their book, “A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine” and about their frustrating efforts to educate lawmakers about the major reforms we need, but are unlikely to get. PBC challenges Leah Durant, executive director of “Progressives For Immigration Reform” who uses progressive language to support right wing reform proposals. PBC gets a rare in-studio report from his in-depth undercover low-budget investigative reporter, Tommy Panik, fresh from Palin’s Quitfest in Alaska. Tommy has the scoop on disgraced ex-Sen. Larry Craig’s new consulting gig. And PBC notes the passing of the founder of God’s Greed Squad, Rev. Ike
info on Podcast #20
PBC f-bombs California’s “balanced budget”; MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe on Obama, and ACORN founder Wade Rathke on the economy. WARNING: Strong Language. Your humble host is pretty angry at Schwarzenegger and the GOP for another phony budget deal based on false choices, brutal cuts, and more gimmicks that cut California off at the knees and ensure more red ink in the very near future. Wolffe’s book is “Renegade”, with fascinating tidbits from last year’s campaign: Obama’s secret meeting with Rev. Wright, and his decision to name Hillary Secretary of State even before the primaries ended. We also talked about the ways Obama has disappointed the progressives who got him the nomination. Postscript: two days after talking to Wolffe, I learned from Glenn Greenwald at that Wolfe has left Newsweek and joined a corporate PR firm, Public Strategies, which represents Lockheed Martin and the US Chamber of Commerice, among others. My listeners deserve to know this, and Mr. Wolffe should disclose it to MSNBC viewers. Rathke describes his ideas for organizing workers and restructuring the economy, and responds to right wing critics, and Fox News in particular, who demonize ACORN. He talks honestly about his brother’s embezzlement from ACORN, which has produced a wave of attacks, and phony “voter fraud” charges levelled against ACORN. Rathke’s blog is His new book is “Citizen Wealth”.
info on Podcast #19
Mark Klein, the fearless retired A T & T tech who exposed the NSA’s secret splitter room in San Francisco, details the illegal interception of domestic communications, the coverup by most media outlets, and the senators who wouldn’t meet with him or allow him to testify and who worked so hard to legalize the Bush administration’s clear violations of the Fourth Amendment while protecting the NSA and the phone companies. Please share this with everyone you know, and demand that our Fourth Amendment rights are honored. Mark tells his story in the new book “Wiring Up the Big Brother Machine…and Fighting It”. The book is self-published and only available at This one-on-one interview runs 90 minutes.
Info on Podcast #18
NSA expert James Bamford talks about illegal domestic wiretapping, the sordid coverup by BushCo and Democrats, the NSA’s huge failures around 9/11, and the Israeli firms with Mossad connections that supply critical equipment for domestic spying. This is the first installment of “The Boiling Frogs”, a podcast series PBC is co-hosting with Sibel Edmonds, the courageous FBI whistleblower. Full info at
info on Podcast #17
One on one with filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson. Under Our Skin is a powerful documentary about Lyme disease. The film documents the cases of people who develop chronic Lyme disease, which leads to serious cognitive and motor losses, and even death. It shows that the medical establishment denies that chronic Lyme even exists, and that many doctors who treat Lyme patients are punished by medical boards and insurance companies. Be sure to visit to learn more and see some video clips like this one.
PBC sez, “This documentary opened my eyes to the layers of problems Lyme patients encounter, and a medical system corrupted by profit and power. Please listen and look for the movie.” More info at
Info on Podcast #16
One on one with Rev. Michael Dowd author of Thank God for Evolution.
Michael Dowd is interesting and inspiring. He evolved from the Assemblies of God to the Baptists to the more progressive United Church of Christ, and was a pastor at churches in Massachusetts, Michigan and Ohio. For 7 years, he has been an itinerant preacher, travelling the US to build bridges between people of different faiths and disparate world views. We talk about creationism and evolution, PBC’s problems with organized religions, fundamentalist extremism and conflicts between Christians, Muslims and Jews, and religious opposition to same-sex marriage.
Info on Podcast Show #15
Non-profit news sites, Ray McGovern protests at Bush’s new house in Dallas, Rev. Billy runs for NY Mayor. Journalists Robert Parry and Jason Leopold talk about their non-profit, independent news outlets: and The Public Record, and Walter Cronkite’s impact on broadcast news and its decline since he retired. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern offers a humorous recap of his visit to Dallas and polite invitation to George and Laura Bush to attend his talk where he accused Bush of war crimes. Here’s a picture of Ray and protesters outside the new Bush manse in Dallas. You can read Ray’s letter and other posts at And Rev. Billy gives us a mini-sermon about his campaign to deny Mike Bloomberg a third term as Mayor of New Yawk. Support his campaign at