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Info on Podcast #33

David Cole talks about the torture memos;  Col. Ann Wright on Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, and sexual violence in the US military; Andy Dral talks about increasing shareholders’ rights in corporations.  Prof. Cole teaches law at Georgetown and writes for The Nation.  His new book, The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable, reprints the memos from Yoo, Bybee and others that created the legal pretext for Bush’s torture regime.

Bybee’s ludicrous claim of national self defense, and the ridiculous efforts to re-define methods that clearly violate our laws and treaties are the basis of Cole’s call for investigations and accountability.

Ann Wright is a retired Army colonel who was working for the State Deparment and was sent to Afghanistan in December, 2001.  She offers clear commentary on our continued presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

We also talk about her new effort to support women in the military and expose rape and other sexual violence against female soldiers.

Andy Dral checks in from a noisy pay phone on Wall St. to promote the idea of revising the “proxy access rule” to give shareholders a real voice in a corporation.  He is responding to our recent discussion of “corporate pershonhood” with David Cobb.


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Info on Podcast #32

Joe Trento, national security journalist, joins me and Sibel Edmonds for another installment in the Boiling Frogs interview series. Trento talks about the history of US-Iranian tensions, Brezinski’s foreign policy strategy back in the 1970’s, and he talks about Israel, Saudi Arabia’s backing of Pakistan’s pursuit of the nuclear bomb, A. Q. Khan and much more. Get details at Sibel has made big news herself recently, although the corporate media remains silent. Read the stunning revelations about Turkey’s influence on members of Congress and much more at


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Info on Podcast #31

Former CIA analyst Mel Goodman on the torture report, Holder’s special prosecutor, Leon’s Panetta’s weak leadership, and more; David Cobb, former Green Party Presidential nominee on corporate personhood, Supreme Court case. Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA, and spent more than 20 years at the Agency. He is critical of the Obama effort to limit the investigations, and the administration’s heavy redaction of the 5-year-old Inspector General’s report. He also criticizes the Washington Post and David Ignatius for pro-CIA bias. David Cobb’s Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County is plaintiff in the Supreme Court case (regarding an anti-Hillary TV program that was funded by corporations) to be heard in September, and is hoping for a ruling that would deny corporations the same rights as “persons” under the Constitution. You can read their brief here.


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Info on Podcast #30

Former DEA Agent Sandy Gonzalez on the failed “War on Drugs”, the death house in Juarez, and our failure to protect whistleblowers.  This is the next installment in the “Boiling Frogs” interview series, co-hosted by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.  Gonzalez was a high-level DEA agent who reported to his superiors about a paid Mexican informant who was responsible for a series of murders at a house in Juarez, and tells how he was treated as a result.  Gonzales also comments on the remarks of journalist Charles Bowden, who says Mexico would collapse without the drug trade.   More info at


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Fox/Beck Win Dirty as Van Jones is Thrown Under the Bus

The resignation of Van Jones is a defining moment, a very negative one, for the Obama administration.

Jones is the victim of the corporate-funded media mob that’s constantly convened at Fox News.  My email box was peppered with anti-Jones screeds in the last two weeks, sliming him as a black revolutionary, foul-mouthed, and un-American because he signed a petition demanding a real investigation of 9/11.

Jones is being jettisoned to reduce the distraction as Obama plans the speech I expect will jettison any attempt at thefuzzy “public option”, in what has been reduced from health care reform to tinkering with the margins of health insurance.

In my view, Jones was targeted by the right in retaliation for the successful efforts of a nonprofit he founded to get corporate sponsors to pull their ads from Glenn Beck’s lunacy-thon (should that be “lunathon”?).  The boycott was prompted by Beck’s racist attacks on Obama.

So let me re-cap.  Beck makes scurrilous, racist comments about Obama.  A group that Jones has not been involved with for at least a year and a half fights back on behalf of Obama, and sane people.  Beck and allies smear Jones, and the Obama White House quickly surrenders.  That’s putting out fire with gasoline.  That’s empowering the mob in a dangerous way.

I’ve met Van Jones a couple of times, and interviewed him about four times.  He was one of the few, true progressives in the White House and his vision of a green economy with social justice is so powerful it threatened the corporate interests which are intent on blocking any real change or progress from timid Washington Democrats.  I’m confident Van will emerge from this stronger and wiser.

It’s time to launch a progressive offensive on real health care reform, signal our rejection of escalation in Afghanistan and slow rolling out of Iraq, and to restore our constitutional rights.  We’ve held back, hoping that Obama would recognize our role in his victory and deliver some things he promised progressives.  We must press the House Progressive Caucus to stand firm, and force the administration and the DINO’s of the Senate to realize that a clear majority will not yield to the orchestrated idiocy of the minority right.  We must continue to expose the smears and lies and repudiate those who promote them.

And we need a president who will fight back against below-the-belt attacks, and stand up for people like Van Jones–if only because it’s in his own best interests.

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Info on Podcast #29

Jeffrey Feldman, expert on language and framing, critiques the Obama team’s handling of the health care battle;  Sam Barry tries to teach PBC to play the harmonica; and your humble host reports on his recent “stay-cation” in the Bay Area.  Dr. Feldman is author of Outright Barbarous: How the Violent Language of the Right Poisons American Democracy, so he is not surprised by the mob mentality at town hall meetings; but his is surprised that Obama and the Democrats have lost control of the “debate”, partly by failing to define their plans, including the “public option”.  Sam Barry is a funny guy with a funny book, How to Play the Harmonica and Other Life Lessons. You can learn a little about playing harmonica, and some harp experts like Lee Oskar, Bob Dylan, Charlie Musselwhite and Norton Buffalo.  PBC reports on 5 days of  “stay-cation” in San Francisco, including Alcatraz, a wacky tour on an amphibious duck, the new California Academy of Sciences, a dinner cruise on the Bay, an A’s baseball game, and the Great America theme park.  Here’s a special offer for PBC listeners from Hornblower:  $99 special for 2 on their Champagne Brunch Cruise (discount code PMT26), Alcatraz Discovery Lunch Cruise (discount code PMT12) or Supper Club Cruise (discount code PMT37). Restrictions apply.  Offer expires 9/15/09, valid for new bookings only, max 20 guests; can’t be combined with other offers or gift certificates, not valid on special events or dinner dance cruises, tax and gratuity additional.


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Info on Podcast #28

Scott Horton on Karl Rove, the US Attorneys scandal and the Siegelman case, torture investigations, wiretapping and the 4th Amendment; film producers Leslie and Andrew Cockburn talk about the mortgage meltdown; and Gary Chew reviews “In The Loop”.

Horton writes for Harpers magazine and The Huffington Post and teaches law at Columbia.  He dissects the lies in Rove’s op-ed in the Wall Street Journal and explains the law related to executive privilege, and the conflict of interest of White House Counsel Greg Craig in negotiating the unusual terms of Rove’s “interview” with the House Judiciary Committee.

Horton says a special prosecutor will be named on August 24 to investigate torture, but it’s unclear if s/he will have the freedom to pursue the deciders who were truly responsible for Bush’s torture regime.  The Cockburns have just released American Casino, a feature documentary about the martgage mess, and have sharp comments on predatory lending and the Obama team’s failure so far to rein in the abuses and prosecute the thieves.

And our movie critic Gary Chew reviews the new satire, In The Loop.


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Info on Podcast #27

Philip Giraldi, former CIA and DIA officer, on US/Israel relations, AIPAC, wiretapping and Rep. Jane Harman.  This is the third installment of Boiling Frogs interviews co-hosted with Sibel Edmonds, and is quite explosive.

Giraldi, a self-described conservative who was critical of the Bush administration on many issues, is equally critical of Obama and Democrats who are influenced by AIPAC.  Giraldi gives background and details on the interception of Rep. Harman’s phone conversation with an Israeli: she agreed to intervene on behalf of two Israelis caught spying on the US, and in return hoped they would help her win the chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee. 

Giraldi is a member of the American Conservative Defense Alliance, and contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine. He has a regular column, Smoke & Mirrors, on


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Info on Podcast #26

Andrea Batista Schlesinger
Andrea Batista Schlesinger

Progressive think-tanker Andrea Batista Schlesinger, author of The Death of Why, and Deron Lovaas from NRDC.  Schlesinger is on leave as executive director of the Drum Major Institute to work on the re-election of Mayor Bloomberg in New York (which produced an initial onlsaught of “Why?s” from PBC) and serves on the board of The Nation magazine.

Her book is a fascinating look at how our ghetto-ized media and opinion journalism reduce the quality of our thinking and decision-making.  She has a great story of her incoherent exchange with Lou Dobbs on CNN.  Deron Lovaas, senior energy analyst at Natural Resources Defense Council, details a new study on energy policy and our vulnerability to increases in the cost of oil and gas. Check out his blog.


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Info on Podcast #25

The Battle over Healthcare:  Progressive Democrat Tim Carpenter, media critic Jeff Cohen, and mad-as-hell-Dr. Gene Upham.  Carpenter is the National Director for Progressive Democrats of America, and his current priorities are the Wiener amendment to substitute single payer language in the House bill, and support for the Kucinich (House) and Sanders (Senate) measures to enable single payer at the state level.  Cohen, media critic, co-founder of FAIR and author of Cable News Confidential, offers smart criticism of Democrats and allied netroots groups that compromised too much too fast, and the way the corporate media has amplified the lies of demagogues.  And MD Gene Uphoff of Portland tells why he favors single payer, and invites you to join him and the Mad As Hell Doctors for their care-avan from Portland to Washington DC that starts Sept. 8. They can use your financial support, if you are in a position to assist.
