Guests: Navin Naya, Richard Maxwell, Larry Dohrs, and Emmi McClain.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Navin Naya from the League of Conservation Voters discusses presidential candidates on global warming and environmental issues. 30 minutes in – Richard Maxwell, co-author of “Elements of Persuasion” rates the candidates on communication. 60 minutes in – Larry Dohrs, from the US campaign for Burma, discusses Chevron and other US firms still being there. 90 minutes in – Emmi McClain from the Center for Constitutional Rights discusses Al Masri denied, and a judge blocking Gitmo transfer.
Author: Peter B. Collins
10-09-07 Episode
Guests: Dr. Ted Shettler, Lawrence J. Korb, Mikey Weinstein, Jason Leopold, and Melanie Sloan.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Dr. Ted Shettler, the director for the Science and Environmental Health Network, joins us. 30 minutes in – Lawrence J. Korb from the Center for American Progress discusses Iraq and Iran, and the British pulling out half their troops. 60 minutes in – Mikey Weinstein from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation discusses a lawsuit challenging evangelicals in the military. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses if the Democrats are ready to cave more on the NSA bill. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan, from CREW, discusses Brent Wilkes, Larry Craig, and the Whitehouse leak exposing a back channel to Osama.
10-08-07 Episode
Guests: Jeff Cohen, Dwayne Hunn, Joshua Kors, and Veronica Montoya.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Jeff Cohen, author of “Cable News Confidential” discusses Hillary Clinton. 30 minutes in – Dwayne Hunn, an activist, discusses the National service plan. 60 minutes in – Joshua Kors from The Nation discusses Sp. Jon Towne, pre-existing personality disorder, and PTSD. 90 minutes in – Veronica Montoya discusses Schip Policy Director, and the Latino Coalition for a healthy California.
10-05-07 Episode
Guests: Ari Berman, Jonathan Hafetz, Dr. Dahlia Wasfie, Deborah Vagins, Brad Friedman, and Kate Hanni.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Ari Berman from The Nation discusses Hillary’s link to Blackwater. 30 minutes in – Jonathan Hafetz from the Brennan Center at NYU discusses the Gonzales torture memo’s and the democrats reaction to them. 60 minutes in – Dr. Dahlia Wasfie discusses Iraq being partitioned, oil, and anthropologists. 90 minutes in – Deborah Vagins, from the ACLU, discusses hate crimes ENDA not having anything about Transgenders in it. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses Duncan Hunter, Obama blocking Spakovsky and Holt. 150 minutes in – Kate Hanni discusses taht 29% of flights in August were delayed.
01-04-08 Episode
Guests: Robert Parry, John Nichols, Steve Connors, Molly Bingham, Lt. Governor John Garamendi, and Brad Friedman. NOTE: Download not working, please use the podcast located Here.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Robert Parry from joins us. 30 minutes in – John Nichols from The Nation gives a recap of Iowa, and discusses How much of Obama votes were 2nd choice? 60 minutes in – Steve Connors and Molly Bingham, who made the documentary “Meeting Resistance” discuss the Iraq occupation from the insurgents’ views. “Meeting Resistance” opens january 4 2008 at the Roxie Cinemas in San Francisco, January 20 at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, and has a one night screening at the Grand Lake Theatre January 15. 105 minutes in – Lt. Governor John Garamendi joins us with a storm response. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from joins us, and answers people’s questions regarding elections and protections.
01-03-08 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, John Nichols, Scott Dick, and R.J. Shulman. NOTE: Download not working, please use the podcast located Here.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly progress report, and discusses the Polls finding that 59% want Bush “over”, the Defence bill veto, and Robertson claiming to know the winner. 30 minutes in – John Nichols from The Nation joins us. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses Bush vetoing the Defence bill, Sunnis being targeted, Bremer mistakes, Pakistan and Sara Jane Moore, Afghanistan, Presidential candidates on IRaq, Hucksterbee, and David Hicks being released in Australia and gagged. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice joins us.
01-02-08 Episode
Guests: Adrian Levy, John Nichols, Jim Tripp, Sam Husseini, and Richard Stockton. NOTE: Download not working, please use the podcast located Here.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Adrian Levy, author of “Deception” discusses Pakistan, Bhutto, elections, and Sharif. 30 minutes in – John Nichols discusses Iowa. 60 minutes in – Jim Tripp discusses Cal-EPA emissions battle. 90 minutes in – Sam Husseini from the Institute for Public Accuracy discusses if polls can be trusted. 150 minutes in – Richard STockton from Planet Cruz joins us.
12-05-07 Episode
Guests: Dr. Bill Durston, Mike Lux, Craig Eisendrath, and Richard Stockton.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Dr. Bill Durston, who’s a Democrat running for Congress in Sacramento’s 3rd Congressional District against Dan Lungren joins us. 60 minutes in – Mike Lux from joins us. 90 minutes in – Craig Eisendrath discusses Iran intel. 150 minutes in – Richard Stockton from Planet Cruz joins us.
12-04-07 Episode
Guests: Jonathan Schell, Jonathan Landay, General Keith Kerr, Jason Leopold, and Melanie Sloan.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Jonathan Schell discusses Iran Policy. He currently has a book out, “The 7th Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger” 30 minutes in – Jonathan Landay discusses Iran suspending their nuke program in 2003. 60 minutes in – General Keith Kerr discusses gays in the military. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from joins us. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan from CREW discusses the massive waste at DHS.
12-03-07 Episode
Guests: Jamison Foser, Anthony Lappe, Dan Goldman, and Jon Eisenberg.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Jamison Foser from Media Matters discusses his column on the CNN-Youtube debate, Fox refusing to run a CCR spot, and Chris Wallace going easy on rove. 30 minutes in – Anthony Lappe and Dan Goldman discuss their graphic novel, “Shooting War” 90 minutes in – Jon Esienberg, an NSA lawsuit attorney joins us.