Guests: Faiz Shakir, Robert Dreyfuss, Scott Dick, Tom Unsicker, and R. J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly Progress Report and discusses Al Gore at the Bali Climate Conference, Senate votes Rove, Bolten Contempt, Bush vetoin gthe S-chip, the Revised energy bill stuck in the Senate at 59 votes, and the House banning waterboarding. 30 minutes in – Robert Dreyfuss joins us to discuss Iran intel, Saudis & Ahmedinijad, and CIA tapes. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses the violence surging in Basra, veteran suicide rates, sarin gas release in Kentucky, and a chaplain with HIV. 120 minutes in – Tom Unsicker, who’s biking to DC with a set of pingpong balls for congress members to give them all some balls, checks in with us. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice, joins us.
Author: Peter B. Collins
12-12-07 Episode
Guests: Magid Kadar, Patrick Hallinan, Lt. Governor John Garamendi, Larisa Alexandrovna, and Tighe Barry.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Magid Kadar, author of “From Bagdhad to Bedlam” discusses the Saddam trial and training US troops regarding Iraq. 30 minutes in – Patrick Hallinan, a defence attorney discusses the Bernie Ward case. 60 minutes in – Lt. Governor John Garamendi discusses going to Honduras on a relief effort, term limits, and the electoral college. 90 minutes in – Larisa Alexandrovna from Rawstory discusses Iran intel and the CIA torture tapes. 120 minutes in – Tighe Barry and Medea Benjamin from CodePink join us.
12-11-07 Episode
Guests: Ray McGovern, Eric Boehlert, Mike Farrell, and Jan Hedlum.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Ray McGovern discusses the CIA tapes, Iran intel, and his 27 years at the CIA. 60 minutes in – Eric Boehlert from Meida Matters discusses Howard Kurtz and Joe Klein, and the Sacramento Bee on ballot measures. 90 minutes in – Mike Farrell discusses the execution ban pending in New Jersey 120 minutes in – Jan Hedlum from Potrero, CA. discusses the situation with the new Blackwater West base.
12-10-07 Episode
Guests: Michael Scheuer, Bruce Fein, Larry Bogad, Peter Laufer, and Tommy Panik.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Michael Scheuer, an ex-CIA agent discusses the Iran intel changes, and the CIA tape destruction. 30 minutes in – Bruce Fein, who was in the Department of Justice under Reagan discusses his support of contempt citations on Bolten and Miers. 90 minutes in – Larry Bogad, a professor of political performance at UC Davis discusses Billionaires for Bush. 150 minutes in – Tommy Panik discusses Rudy schmoozing at Mel’s Diner.
12-07-07 Episode
Guests: Representative Hilda Solis, Professor Dan Kammen, Robert Parry, John Dombrink, Michael Bryan, Tony Andrade, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Representative Hilda Solis discusses the House Energy bill. 20 minutes in – Professor Dan Kammen from UC Berkeley discusses energy. 30 minutes in – Robert Parry from discusses the Iran intel. 60 minutes in – John Dombrink, a professor of Criminology, Law, and Society at UC Irvine discusses the right wing culture wars, and how the left should approach cultural issues. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from is joined in his weekly segment by Michael Bryan and Tony Andrade.
12-06-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, Jonathan Hafetz, Scott Dick, Mel Goodman, Martin Wagner, and R.J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly progress report and discusses the Bush subprime plan, Mitt the Mormon, and the Bali climate change conference. 30 minutes in – Jonathan Hafetz from the Brennan Center at NYU discusses the Supreme Court arguments on Gitmo. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his segment on Military and Veterans issues and is joined by Mel Goodman, an ex CIA agent on Iran. 120 minutes in – Martin Wagner, the attorney for Earth Justice discusses the Bali climate change conference. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice joins us.
11-8-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, MikeLux, Scott Dick, KajLarsen, and R.J. Shulman Time of guest appearance Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly progress report and discusses the veto override on water/pork bill, Xenophobic immigration debate, and the 9 trillion dollar national debt comprised of what? 30 minutes in – Mike Lux from discusses Mukasey and impeachment votes, and the Iowa caucuses. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans affairs, and is joined by Kaj Larsen to discuss waterboarding and other torture. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice joins us.
11-7-07 Episode
Guests: Paul Waldman, Representative Dennis Kucinich, Reverand Welton Gaddy, and Larisa Alexandrovna. Time of guest appearance Start of show – Paul Waldman from Media discusses Beltway pundits on Hillary. 30 minutes in – Representative Dennis Kucinich discusses impeachment, and Representative Wexler demanding immediate hearings. 60 minutes in – Reverend Welton Gaddy from the Interfaith Alliance discusses a new poll showing that Candidates should not use religion to influence voters. 90 minutes in – Larisa Alexandrovna from discusses Conflicting reports on an attack on Syria on 9/6
11-06-07 Episode
Guests: Bruce Fein, David Swanson, Brett Kimberlin, Jason Leopold, and Melanie Sloan.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Bruce Fein discusses impeachment. 30 minutes in – David Swanson also discusses impeachment. 60 minutes in – Brett Kimberlin discusses Velve havig a 500 thousand dollar reward, and his experience being waterboarded. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses Cheney’s nuclear ambitions. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan from CREW discusses Brent Wilkes being convicted, and Murtha’s earmarks.
10-11-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, Mark Howell, Scott Dick, and R. J. Shulman
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly Progress Report and discusses NSA legislation, and the right smearing a 12-year-old on the S-chip. 30 minutes in – Mark Howell, a photojournalist, discusses life in Plestine under occupation. He currently has a book out, “What did we do to deserve this?” which can be bought at 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his segment on Military and Vetterans issues, and discusses the possibility of the Marines taking Afghanistan and the Army taking Iraq, an update on Blackwater, and the British leaving Basra. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice, joins us.