Guests: Faiz Shakir, Father Roy Bourgouis, Scott Dick, and R. J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly Progress Report. 30 minutes in – Father Roy Bourgouis from the SOA Watch discusses being 6 votes shy of closure this year. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses the State vs the DoD on Blackwater, Fallon on Petraeus, and Casey saying the demand on troops isn’t sustainable. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice joins us to discuss Bush/Ahmedinejad, Blackwater, the S-chip veto, and Marceau.
Author: Peter B. Collins
9-26-07 Episode
Guests: Lt. Governor John Garamendi, Chris Kutalik, Mary Nichols, Larisa Alexandrovna, Richard Stockton, and Johnny Steele.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Lt. Governor John Garamendi discusses Higher Education, and a smart workforce. 30 minutes in – Chris Kutalik discusses labor notes in detroit, Jim Cramer, Gordon Gecko of bizTV. 60 minutes in – Mary Nicholds joins us. 90 minutes in – Larisa Alexandrovna from Raw Story discusses Israel and Syria. 120 minutes in – Richard Stockton and Johnny Steele discuss the Planet Cruz Comedy Hour on October 5th.
9-25-07 Episode
Guests: Ervand Abrahamian, Nick Bicanic, Cara Ong, and Jason Leopold.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Ervand Abrahamian, a professor of history at Baruch College, joins us. 30 minutes in – Nick Bicanic, co-director of “Shadow Company” discusses mercenaries in Iraq. 60 minutes in – Carah Ong a Policy Analyst, joins us. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from joins us for his weekly segment to discuss the Pentagon being sued over evangelicals, and Atheist Jeremy Hall reporting harassment.
9-24-07 Episode
Guests: David Barsamian, Professor Dan Kammen, Eric Boehlert,and Laura Kam.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – David Barsamian discusses Iran, Columbia, and CFR. his latest books are “Targeting Iran”, and What We Say Goes and Imperial Ambitions”. 60 minutes in – Professor Dan Kammen from UC Berkeley discusses Bush being unilateral on global warming. 90 minutes in – Eric Boehlert from Media MAtters discusses MoveOn being smeared, Rush called Hagel Betrayus. 120 minutes in – Laura Kam, a senior advisor on the Israel Project joins us.
12-21-07 Episode
Guests: Robert Parry, Andrew Revkin, Douglas Frantz, Catherine Collins, Asli Bali, Brad Friedman, and Carolyn Crnich.
12-20-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, Michael Schallenberger, Scott Dick, Dr. Elmo, and R.J. Shulman.
12-19-07 Episode
Guests: Barry Lynn, Steve Bodow, Eric Lotke, and Marjorie Cohn.
12-18-07 Episode
Guests: Matthew Rothschild, Sam Gardiner, Ari Melber, and Jason Leopold.
12-17-07 Episode
Guests: Paul Waldman, Jim Wehrle, Don Cleaveland, and Nancy Lessin
12-14-07 Episode
Guests: Robert Parry, Representative Jim Moran, Jacques Leslie, Kit Batten, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Robert Parry from discusses Mobile weapons labs in Iraq, and the Gary Webb contra/coke story. 30 minutes in – Representative Jim Moran discusses the war funding, NSA, energy, and waterboarding. 60 minutes in – Jacques Leslie from Mother Jones discusses China’s pollution problems 90 minutes in – Kit Batten discusses the Bali Climate Conference. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from joins us for his weekly segment.