Guests: Representative Barbara Lee, Peter Byrne, Robert Parry, Marcie Patton, Desiree Anita Ali Farooz, Bob Edgar, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Representative Barbara Lee joins us to discuss Feinstein judging the Southwick vote, and Iran sanctions. 15 minutes in – Peter Byrne, a Project Censored winner, discusses exposes on Dianne Feinstein. 30 minutes in – Robert Parry, also a Project Censored winner, discusses the Military Commissions act & US citizens. 60 minutes in – Marcie Patton, a professor of politics at Fairfield University, discusses Turkey. 90 minutes in – Desiree Anita Ali Farooz, a member of Code Pink, discusses being arrested for “showing Condi the blood on her hands”. 105 minutes in – Bob Edgar from Common Cause discusses the FCC planning to further relax ownership rules 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses E S & S bounced from Colorado, and Rep. Nalder saying to fire Tanner.
Author: Peter B. Collins
10-25-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, Dean Geoffrey R. Stone, Scott Dick, Leslie Cagan, and R. J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly progress report, and discusses California Wildfires and the response, Diane Fienstein enabling the Judge Southwick confirmation, and the cost of war. 30 minutes in – Dean Geoffrey R. Stone from the University of Chicago joins us. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans issues and discusses Turkey, McCain wanting 90,000 more troops, the State department security chief resigning, Blackwater and the IRS, and recruitment and retention bonuses. 120 minutes in – Leslie Cagan from United for Peace and Justice discusses the protests going on in 11 cities on the 27th. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice, joins us.
10-16-07 Episode
Guests: Bruce Fein, Juan Cole, Mayor Tom Bates, Jason Leopold, Melanie Sloan, and Aldous Tyler.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Bruce Fein from American Freedom Agenda joins us. 30 minutes in – Juan Cole discusses the University of Michigan. 60 minutes in – Tom Bates, the mayor of Berkeley, joins us to discusses the climate change conference in London. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses the Mukasey nomination starting tomorrow. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan from CREW, discusses the t.r.o on White House for emails, Doolittle, and Senators get airline privileges. 150 minutes in – Aldous Tyler from Nonstop Radio discusses San Diego going to HD, and a conference next august.
10-15-07 Episode
Guests: Media Matters, Peter Phillips, Cathy Zoi, DAnny Schecter, and Robert Weiss.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Media Matters joins us to discuss the Fox Biz Channel, more pro-biz than CNBC? Coulter wanting to “perfect” the Jews, and John Gibson knew that the Cleveland school shooter was white. 30 minutes in – Peter Phillips from Project Censored 08 discusses the top news stories missed by corporate media. 60 minutes in – Cathy Zoi, the CEO for the Alliance for Climate Protection, discusses Al Gore’s nonprofit, gets the Nobel money. 90 minutes in – Danny Schecter discusses how Bono shouldn’t go to Boston. 120 minutes in – Robert Weiss discusses phthalates being banned in California.
10-12-07 Episode
Guests: Mel Goodman, Ron Pollak, Lance Williams, Amanda Terkel, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Mel Goodman discusses the CIA vs. the Inspector General. 30 minutes in – Ron Pollak from Families USA discusses Graeme Frost and the S-chip smear efforts, and the Krugman column in the NYT. 60 minutes in – Lance Williams, a writer for the SF Chronicle, discusses the federal reporters shield law. 90 minutes in – Amanda Terkel from the Center for American Progress discusses Turkey and the Armenian resolution. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses making news in WaPo, and the Tanner story.
10-04-07 Episode
Guests: Faiz Shakir, Richard Rapoport, Scott Dick, Dr. Trita Parsi, and R.J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weeekly Progress Report and discusses Perino decrying “innocents held without charge”, Matthews getting his comeuppance, and Leahy de-linking Mukasey and contempt. 30 minutes in – Richard Rapoport discusses Zero Tolerance. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses Blackwater shooter, and vets being denied benefits. 90 minutes in – Dr. Trita Parsi, author of “Treacherous Alliance” joins us to discusss the fact that Iran offered a detailed peace plan in 2003. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice discusses Rush Volunteering for the military.
10-03-07 Episode
Guests: Jennifer Daskal, Robert Dreyfuss, Robert Scheer, Larisa Alexandrovna, and Mike Lux.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Jennifer Daskal, from Human Rights Watch, discusses Blackwater. 30 minutes in – Robert Dreyfuss from The NAtion, discusses the GOP being in trouble on the war. 60 minutes in – Robert Scheer from discusses Blackwater 90 minutes in – Larisa Alexandrovna from Raw Story discusses Israel and Syria. 120 minutes in – Mike Lux from discusses the S-chip veto, and a new washington post poll says don’t fund the war.
10-02-07 Episode
Guests: Rob Timmins, Robert Draper, John Dean, Jason Leopold, and David Mathison.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Rob Timmins discusses Rush’s “Phony soldier line” 30 minutes in – Robert Draper, author of “Dead Certain”, discusses Sheehan, Schiavo, Miers, Plame, vacations, the NSA, FISA, GQ and the Clintons, Bremer vs. Bush on de-Baath Powell, Rumsfeld, Rove, and Gonzales. 90 minutes in – John Dean, author of “Broken Government: How Republican rule destroyed the legal, Judicial, and Exeucutive brances” joins us. 105 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses the NSA suit by Jon Eisenberg. 150 minutes in – David Mathison from HRW in Thailand discusses Burma.
10-01-07 Episode
Guests: Professor Stephen Zunes, Peter Lance, Bob Sillen, Elden Rosenthal, and Reverand Billy.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Professor Stephen Zunes discusses USF and FPIF meeting with Ahmedinijad. 30 minutes in – Peter Lance discusses Tripple cross on Mukasey. 60 minutes in – Bob Sillen, a CDC health care reciever, joins us. 90 minutes in – Elden Rosenthal, an attorney for Brandon Mayfield, discusses the March 04 Madrid attacks, and a Federal judge saying 2 parts of patriot act are unconstitutional. 150 minutes in – Reverand Billy discusses “What Would Jesus buy Roxie”?
9-28-07 Episode
Guests: Frances Moore Lappe, Jeffrey Feldman, John Eisenberg, Ron Pollak, and Mark Crispin Miller.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Frances Moore LAppe, author of “Getting a Grip” Joins us. 30 minutes in – Jeffrey Feldman, from Frame Shop is discusses the Democratic debate, and “support the troops” as we get hosed for another $200 billion. 60 minutes in – Attorney Jon Eisenberg discusses how NSA taps evidence could blow open legal remedies, catch 22 FISA violations, felony and tort to violate the 9th circuit. 105 minutes in – Ron Pollak from FAmilies USA discusses the S-chip veto override scheme, Democrat health plans, and the bedt limit being raised to 10 trillion. 120 minutes in – Mark Crispin Miller joins us.