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10-19-07 Episode

Guests: Dahr Jamail, Steve Elson, Marjory Coh, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Dahr Jamail, author of “Beyond the Green Zone” joins us to discuss the refugees in Najaf outside Iraq, Syria/Israel, Putin deal in Iran, Turkey Iran and China b uilding power plants in Iraq, and Blackwater. 30 minutes in – Steve Elson, a member of the FAA red team, discusses airport security. 60 minutes in – Marjory Coh joins us and discusses 10 questions for Mukasey. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses Obama calling for the firing of John Tanner, and the DOJ.

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10-18-07 Episode

Guests: Faiz Shakir, John Mearsheimer, Scott Dick, Ron Pollack, and R.J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly Progress Report and discusses the Mukasey hearings, the Armenian resoultion, Anti-family planning Czar, the NSA deal in the senate, and the NSA bill in trouble in the House. 30 minutes in – John Mearsheimer, co-author of “The Israel Lobby” discusses AIPAC and PNAC. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his regular segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses Turkey, General Sanchez, Iran building power plants, Russia, and Putin haranguing Rice and Gates. 120 minutes in – Ron Pollack from Families USA discusses the S-chip being 13 votes shy. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice, joins us.

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10-17-07 Episode

Guests: Barbara Olshanky, Eric Boehlert, and Ray McGovern.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Barbara Olshansky, Author of “Deomcracy Detained” joins us. 30 minutes in – Eric Boehlert from Media discusses the right wing attacks on the S-chip kids. 60 minutes in – Ray McGovern discusses the NSA and Nancy Pelosi.

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9-21-07 Episode

Guests: Chris Hayes, Rick Perlstein, Reese Ehrlich, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Chris Hayes from The Nation, discusses Petraues. 30 minutes in – Rick Perlstein, from America’s Future discusses Petraeus, and the Senate vote. 60 minutes in – Reese Ehrlich discusses Hannity and Colmes tonight. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from is joined again in his weekly segment by Gail Pellerin, the Santa Cruz County Clerk.

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11-05-07 Episode

Guests: Adrian Levy, Caroline Wadhams, David Gilson, a Kucinich conference call, and Senator Bernie Sanders.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Adrian Levy, author of “Deception” discusses Pakistan. 30 minutes in – CAroline Wadhams from the Center for American Progress discusses the US options with Pakistan? Turkey, and Iran. 60 minutes in – David Gilson, senior editor for Mother Jones, discusses a big package of stories. 90 minutes in – A Kucinich conference call on impeachment. 120 minutes in – Senator Bernie Sanders discusses voting no on Mukasey.

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11-02-07 Episode

Guests: Robert Parry, Jim Gerard, Katha Pollit, and Brad Friedman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Robert Parry discusses Valerie Plame deserving an apology. 30 minutes in – Jim Gerard, author of “Beam Me Up, Jesus! A heathen’s guide to the Rapture” joins us. 60 minutes in – Katha Pollitt from The Nation discusses Sheehan vs. Pelosi, and her New column on abortion and contraception. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses Monterey being pissed at him, a John Tanner update, Velvet Revolution, Sibel wanting to talk, Senior Whitehouse election reform bill would ban DRE’s in 2012, and Mukasey supporting voter ID.

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11-01-07 Episode

Guests: Faiz Shakir, Rick Perlstein, Scott Dick, and R. J. Shulman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir joins us for his weekly progress report, and discusses Karen Huges resigning, hearts and minds unmoved, Petraeus promoting Chalabi, Rumsfeld memos, the Mukasey vote being set for tuesday, and the Democrats defecting. 30 minutes in – Rick Perlstein discusses that the Consumer Product Safety Commission allowed millions of tainted toys into the US and resists a bigger staff and budget. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his regular segment on Military and Veterans issues, and discusses Judgement day for Reverand Phelps, the State Departments Iraq draft, Blackwater’s profit margin, and big retention bonuses for troops. 150 minutes in – R. J. Shulman, a journalist with a unique voice, joins us.

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10-31-07 Episode

Guests: William Rodriguez, Mikey Huff, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, Sherry Boschert, Mike Farrell, Richard Stockton, and Mark Pitta
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Wiliam Rodriguez, a janitor who survived the 9/11 attacks joins us. 30 minutes in – Mikey Huff, who teaches a 9/11 course, joins us. 60 minutes in – Lt. Governor John Garamendi discuses the fire response in San Diego. 90 minutes in – Sherry Boschert discusses Plug In Hybrids. 105 minutes in – Mike Farrell discusses the de facto moratorium on the death penalty. He currently has a book out, “Just Call me Mike” 150 minutes in – Richard Stockton and Mark Pitta join us.

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10-30-07 Episode

Guests: Adrian Levy, Gregory Chase, Jason Leopold, and Melanie Sloan.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Adrian Levy, co-author of “Deception: Pakistan, US, and the Secret Trade in Nuclear weapons” joins us. 60 minutes in – Gregory Chase, a supporter of Mike Gravel who offered NBC $1 million to include Gravel in the debate, joins us. 90 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses the Democrats not changing direction as they promised, more of the same old, and Blackwater immunity. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington discusses Senator McConnel earmarking, and a Brent Wilkes update.

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10-29-07 Episode

Guests: Professor Muhammad Sahimi, Michael Ratner, and Thom Hartman.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Professor Muhammad Sahimi from USC discusses the new sanctions on Iran, and IAEA saying no threat. 30 minutes in – Michael Ratner, from the Center for Constitutional Rights, discusses the indictment of Rumsfeld in France. 60 minutes in – Thom Hartmann joins us. He currently has a book, “Cracking the Code”