
Advertising with and the Peter B. Collins Show is a cost-effective way to reach an audience of smart, discerning consumers who are internet-savvy and curious about information they can’t find in traditional media.

If you are reaching out to progressives to make them aware of web-based products and services, this is the perfect platform to promote books, DVD’s, conferences and your grassroots campaigns and messages.

We have loyal listeners all across the US and around the world, including Japan, Thailand, China, Costa Rica, England and Austria.

Web ads

Advertising at is sold on a CPM (Cost-Per Thousand Impression) basis. We display banner ads in the following sizes: 728Ã…~90, 468Ã…~60, 300Ã…~250, 120Ã…~600 & 160Ã…~600

These are our standard sizes, but we are flexible and can help you tailor your special advertisement needs.

Audio Ads

We offer 30-second and 60-second spots that run between segments of the podcast.
Our introductory rates are $100 per show for a 60-second spot, and $75 per show for a 30-second spot.  We can combine Web ads and spots for maximum impact.  Peter B. will personally deliver your spot for a small extra charge.

We also offer affiliate deals, based upon your marketing strategies. Major sponsorship packages are offered by quotation.

For further details of advertising options, including our rates, please contact us through the email form below.

Fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as we can!