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Info on Podcast #103

Prof. Beau Grosscup on US air raids in Afghanistan; Robert Cruickshank on California politics. Grosscup is Professor of International Relations at Chico State and author of Strategic Terror: The Politics and Ethics of Aerial Bombardment. We talk about the repeated incidents of Afghan civilians killed by US air attacks, which Grosscup considers “terrorism” and the way that term is re-defined to apply only to our enemies. He also talks about domestic terrorism at Oklahoma City, Ft. Hood and the recent Stack attack on the IRS office in Austin. Cruickshank is policy director at the Courage Campaign and one of many excellent contributors to the progressive politics blog about California, Calitics. We talk about eBay billionaire Meg Whitman’s massive spending to buy the governorship–using Sarah Palin campaign tactics; about Jerry Brown’s slow start on his race; about failed HP CEO Carly Fiorina’s race to unseat Sen. Barbara Boxer and Fiorina’s gutter-level attacks on her GOP opponent Tom Campbell; and about initiative battles over corporate influence, esp. the utility P G & E’s efforts to pass an undemocratic initiative to maintain its monopoly and block community power programs permitted by current law.