Trump scuttles payroll tax cut for plan to send cash to Americans hurt by pandemic, after handouts to banks, airlines and hotels…–after reporting he tested negative for coronavirus, Trump figured it could kill him politically, now acts like he’s really serious about the pandemic
–7 Bay Area counties ordered to shelter in place, but it’s not martial law
–our daily update, edited by Linda Lewis
–this snarky British video captures the gross negligence of Trump’s response: COVID19 Crisis
–NY Gov. Cuomo demands that Army Corps of Engineers start building emergency medical facilities
–confusion and chaos over today’s primary elections, Ohio postponed just 8 hours before polls were set to open
–Kevin Gosztola amuses with satirical post about voting in Illinois
–in Guardian op-ed, Sam Levine makes the case to lift state restrictions on voting by mail
–Facebook friend and math whiz crunches numbers and puts fatalities seen so far into perspective
–Trumpists on Facebook say media panic is aimed at hurting “our President”
–Brazil’s strongman Bolsonaro demonized Cuban doctors and kicked them out, now is begging for them to return
–Bolsonaro’s magical weekend at Mar-a-Lago was probably to scheme against Venezuela, where US sanctions will continue to kill average people
–in Senate wrangling over extension of FISA law and domestic spying, no Democrats are trying to amend or kill the laws
–Mueller’s showboat indictments of Russian troll farm are dismissed after Russkies used US law to defend themselves, NY Times continues stoking Russiagate
–at The Guardian, Arwa Mahdawi calls Biden’s promise to pick woman VP tokenism
–at Jacobin, Brano Marcetic recaps some of Joe Biden’s lies in Sunday’s debate
–Biden advisor Anita Dunn, who also advised Harvey Weinstein and Trans-Canada, slammed Bernie Sanders as a rude protester
–in follow-up about yesterday’s report on Israeli election mess, IDF general’s son Miko Peled reveals the truth about racism toward Arab List
–corrupt GOP congressman Duncan Hunter gets 11 months in prison for stealing campaign funds
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