Your humble host has become a regular contributor to the David Feldman podcast, appearing most Mondays at about 9pm EST, 6pm PST. You can watch the session live on YouTube (search for David Feldman) or catch the podcast here after it’s posted on Tuesdays. Here’s the show from 2.21.22, PBC at 4:08. And here’s the show recorded 2.28.22, PBC at 4:10. The show from 3.7.22 is here, PBC joins at 4:13. The March 14 epsiode is here, PBC joins at 4:02 with Trevor Aaronson of The Intercept.Feldman has a great roster of contributors, from a range of his friends from the world of comedy to David Cobb, former Green party presidential candidate; Howie Klein, music maven and blogger at DownWithTyranny; Barry Lynn, retired leader of Americans for Separation of Church & State; and a gaggle of not-so-wacky professors, including Harriet Fraad, Adnan Husain, Mary Anne Cummings and Mike Steinel.