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In-Depth Interview: Prof. Khyati Joshi Exposes ‘White Christian Privilege’ in America

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Khyati Joshi’s new book reveals the deep pro-Christian bias in America, which discriminates against people of other faiths, and non-believers. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Prof. Khyati Joshi Exposes ‘White Christian Privilege’ in America

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PBC News & Comment: Federal Siege of Portland Continues, Trump Threatens Other Cities

Confronted by a Wall of Moms and a naked woman, federal storm troopers defy local, state officials in Portland protest suppression… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Federal Siege of Portland Continues, Trump Threatens Other Cities

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PBC News & Comment: Trump Deploys Federales in Portland Over Local Objections

Federal agents in riot gear roam Portland streets, grabbing protesters without probable cause under Trump orders that defy local authorities… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Trump Deploys Federales in Portland Over Local Objections

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PBC News & Comment: Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices Rush to Resume Executions

Overnight, SCOTUS overturned lower court hold on executions, and Dan Lee, who claimed innocence, was murdered this morning in Terre Haute… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Pro-Life Supreme Court Justices Rush to Resume Executions

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In-Depth Interview: Author Larry Tye Shares the History of Joe McCarthy’s Crusade Against Communism

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Former Boston Globe reporter Larry Tye discusses his detailed profile of Sen. Joe McCarthy’s Cold War investigations, and similarities with Donald Trump. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Author Larry Tye Shares the History of Joe McCarthy’s Crusade Against Communism

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PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Clemency for Roger Stone is Deeply Corrupt

One compulsive liar protects another, as Roger Stone’s commutation shows the depths of Trump’s corruption from Mr. Law and Order…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Trump’s Clemency for Roger Stone is Deeply Corrupt