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In-Depth Interview: Greg Palast Unloads on America’s Unfair Elections

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In a lively, entertaining barrage of facts and anecdotes about America’s broken election system, investigative reporter Greg Palast discusses How Trump Stole 2020.Frequent, favored guest Greg Palast returns to talk about his new book, which details the array of challenges we face in having credible and fair elections this November.  Palast has been on the election protection beat for 20 years now, and previously gave us the book and documentary, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.  Presently, he writes for The Guardian and Rolling Stone.

The recent Georgia primary showcases the roadblocks to voting set up by Republicans, and built for likely Democratic voters.  Voting rolls have been purged, voting schedules and polling places sharply reduced, requested absentee ballots never arrived, and precincts with mostly brown and black voters had long lines that forced many voters to wait 3-5 hours to cast their ballots.

Palast’s colorful, rapid-fire delivery matches the voice of his book, and he takes us through the tactics of voter suppression, the risks that your mail-in ballot will be rejected, and several reminders to confirm that you are still registered to vote, well before election day. We talk about unreliable voting machines, which are made worse when election officials opt to disable hacking protection and the collection of “ballot images”‘ and even when ballot images are captured, they are often discarded.

We also talk about exit polling, which has been corrupted by polling firms, how Bernie Sanders was cheated in 2016 and 2020, and the Russian election meddling is largely a myth.  And, we agree that it’s unlikely that we’ll know the outcome on election night, due to the shift to mail-in balloting.