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In-Depth Interview: Covid-19 Creates Heightened Stress for People With OCD

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Veteran radio news anchor shares his own struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and how Covid-19 adds additional stress, can trigger behaviors.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects millions of Americans, and one common symptom of this anxiety disorder is excessive handwashing due to an extreme fear of germs. As we are all instructed to increase our personal hygiene to reduce transmission of the novel coronavirus, many people with OCD are facing added stress.

In this Radio WhoWhatWhy podcast, author and radio newsman Jeff Bell explains the challenges for “OCs” at a time when average people are dealing with new fears of contamination. Bell has personally dealt with OCD for decades and offers insights that will deepen your understanding of a chronic condition that often leads to shame and irrational behaviors.

Bell’s book Rewind, Replay, Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an exceptionally candid account of his personal odyssey and how he addressed OCD through cognitive therapy and medication. In this interview, he shares his darkest episodes, the science of the disorder, and how he mastered the coping skills that have enabled his personal and professional success.

Jeff Bell is a veteran radio news anchor at KCBS in San Francisco and the author of Rewind, Replay, Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.