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In-Depth Interview: Democracy Activist/Author Adam Eichen Talks About the Big Money Corruption of Mike Bloomberg’s Candidacy

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In this timely conversation, Adam Eichen joins PBC to talk about many issues raised by Mike Bloomberg’s cash-fueled entry into the 2020 presidential race.Adam Eichen returns to the podcast today as we focus on the ascending campaign of billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.  Eichen is co-author, with Frances Moore Lappé of Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning and Connection for the America We Want.  He appears today as an author and individual, not representing any organization.

Bloomberg has already spent more than $300 million from his $60 billion fortune to buy his way onto the debate stage, using saturation advertising to boost his poll numbers to meet the DNC criteria that were modified to grease his entry.

We discuss the massive astroturf operation that has been assembled, populated by Democratic leaders–including key African-Americans–who have received campaign contributions or other financial support from Bloomberg in recent years.  We discuss how Democrats who are drawn to Bloomberg believe his wealth and authoritarian tone will beat Trump, despite clear indications that key parts of the Democratic coalition needed to win will not back Bloomberg.

PBC applies George Lakoff’s theory of the “strict father” profile that has been the basis of GOP victories to many Democrats, especially the Clinton wing.  Many of these people can rationalize the offensive Bloomberg policies and statements in desperate hopes he can dispatch Trump.

Eichen also mentions a new project at Equal Citizens, called POTUS1, which offers a report card on the positions of candidates on election reform issues.  You can get more information here.