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PBC News & Comment: FBI Frame-up Overturned in Lodi Mosque Case

In a case we’ve covered for 12 years, conviction of Hamid Hayat is overturned after he was framed by FBI…–Hayat has spent 14 years in prison, one of the early targets of St. Bob Mueller

–Trevor Aaronson, who has exposed many of the FBI entrapment cases, exposes the false bio claims of Trump’s DNI pick, Rep. John Ratcliffe

–federal judge in NY throws out DNC suit against Trump Campaign, Russia and Wikileaks

–business writer at Forbes argues that there’s no reason to sanction Russia anymore, especially over Russiagate

–Dems continue hysterical fearmongering about Russian meddling in 2020 election,

while ignoring obvious election fraud, like North Carolina’s CD 9 in 2018

–new California law requires top candidates to disclose tax returns

–in Puerto Rico, the disgraced outgoing governor faces opposition to his choice of successor

–Trump’s trade war slogs on, as talks with China end with no agreement

–Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, in part to offset the losses from Trump trade war

–in rare legal maneuver, Arizona asks US Supreme Court to hear its case against the opioid profiteers of the Sackler family

–Senate committee believes denials of General John Hyten, accused of sexual assault

–Democrats debated in Detroit, and your humble host apologizes for suggesting that Kamala Harris was in Tuesday’s round

–the balance of this podcast is devoted to commentary on the CNN debate


Word of the Day, defined: Stochastic Terrorist  (Hint: defines Trump)