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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Whitney Webb Talks About Recent Dispatches, and Smears of Anti-Semitism

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In our first conversation with reporter Whitney Webb of MintPress News, we learn about her background, and detail four of her recent reports.We open with discussion of her 6.11.19 report on tech giants who are offshoring top jobs to Israel, driven by Paul Singer, a billionaire “vulture capitalist” and major Trump donor who is funding Start-Up Nation Central with participation by Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and more.

Then we talk about her report today about Israel’s nuclear arsenal of about 100 warheads, Netanyahu’s threats to use them, and deteriorating conditions at the Dimona nuclear facility.  We then discuss a recent smear campaign against her, attempting to tag Webb as anti-Semitic for honest reporting about Israel.

We discuss her article of 6.3.19 about the impact of Russiagate, morphing the anti-war left in America into extreme views about Russia that, for some, include embracing military action against Putin.  We include current efforts to provoke conflict with Iran, which many “progressives” support or are silent on.

And we talk about the corporate media’s efforts to fight “fake news” by marginalizing or stifling independent media that challenge their dominance and their faulty reporting.  We zero in on Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, who is funding the Trust Project in order to repair the damage Craigslist did to major newspapers while making the Anti-Defamation League a gatekeeper for indy media.