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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Trevor Aaronson Examines ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Prosecutions, and Profiles Trump-Triggered Extremists

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Trevor Aaronson, investigative reporter at The Intercept, returns to talk about two recent articles. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist Trevor Aaronson Examines ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Prosecutions, and Profiles Trump-Triggered Extremists

Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Trump Defies Courts, Issues New KeystoneXL Permit

Plaintiffs who won injunction—upheld by appeals court—file fresh challenge to Trump’s March 29 “presidential permit” for KeystoneXL construction… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Trump Defies Courts, Issues New KeystoneXL Permit

Posted on Categories Premium

In-Depth Interview: Author Dan Kovalik Talks About Russiagate, Venezuela, and American Election Meddling

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Dan Kovalik just returned from Venezuela, and we talk about US meddling there and many other countries. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Author Dan Kovalik Talks About Russiagate, Venezuela, and American Election Meddling

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Aaron J. Leonard Exposes Dark History of FBI, Mueller and Comey

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Aaron J. Leonard has published two books on the FBI’s dark side, and joins us to talk Mueller, Comey and the Russiagate investigation. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist/Author Aaron J. Leonard Exposes Dark History of FBI, Mueller and Comey