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In-Depth Interview: Meet the Activist and Lawyer Who Blocked Keystone XL Construction

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Frank Egger and attorney Steve Volker explain how they won federal court injunction in November, 2018 to block construction of Keystone XL pipeline.This podcast brings you the audio from a recent local TV interview.  You can watch the video here.

Egger is a former mayor of Fairfax, CA, a retired union leader and president of the North Coast Rivers Alliance (NCRA) and Volker is a legendary environmental attorney who started out at the Sierra Club and has been in private practice for 20+ years.

NCRA and other plaintiffs sued to block Keystone XL in 2011, before Bill McKibben and climate activists focused on it for protests.  Last November, a judge in Great Falls, MT issued an injunction to halt construction.

In this conversation for Marin TV, Egger and Volker explain the legal case, and its current status.  They detail their collaborations with Native American tribes, and Volker gets emotional when he reads some statements from tribe members.