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In-Depth Interview: Writer Ian Berman Decries False Charges of “Anti-Semitism”

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Ian Berman discusses his 3-part series Anti-Semitism As A Sword, triggered by false charges of anti-Semitism leveled at UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Writer Ian Berman Decries False Charges of “Anti-Semitism”

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In-Depth Interview: Former Congressman, and Former Republican, Tom Campbell, Wants to Start New Political Party

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The number of non-aligned voters in California almost equals the number of registered Republicans, and former Republican Tom Campbell wants to start a third political party. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Former Congressman, and Former Republican, Tom Campbell, Wants to Start New Political Party

Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Is Saudi Brutality Worse Than US Torture, Rendition, Drone Assassination?

American media and political leaders ramp up selective outrage over barbaric assassination of Khashoggi, ignoring our own ugly recent history…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Is Saudi Brutality Worse Than US Torture, Rendition, Drone Assassination?

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PBC News & Comment: Neil Young Supports SF Jurors in Monsanto Verdict

Rocker Neil Young, whose latest release is “Monsanto Years” and wife Darryl Hannah join jurors fighting for $289 million judgment…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Neil Young Supports SF Jurors in Monsanto Verdict

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Gareth Porter Uses Journalism to Debunk Shaky Claims of New York Times

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Journalist and historian Gareth Porter returns to discuss his new article, exposing exaggerated claims of Russian skulduggery on Facebook in 2016. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist Gareth Porter Uses Journalism to Debunk Shaky Claims of New York Times

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In-Depth Interview: “Valve Turner” Emily Johnston’s Mixed Emotions on Acquittal for Pipeline Shutdown

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Two years ago, Emily Johnston was one of the activists who shut down tar sands pipelines in coordinated action.  This week, she was acquitted.  In this podcast, she explains her relief and disappointment. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: “Valve Turner” Emily Johnston’s Mixed Emotions on Acquittal for Pipeline Shutdown