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In-Depth Interview: Kavanaugh Hearings Dissected, With Jennifer Briney of CongressionalDish

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Jennifer Briney of CongressionalDish podcast pays attention to Congress:  she reads the bills, watches the hearings.  Today, we break down the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.Jen Briney is a talented young observer of American politics, and her unique brand of personality journalism is here, CongressionalDish.  She represents the best of a new generation of reporters who remain independent of the corporate media.

Today, she returns to talk about the bizarre, extended (but not extensive) confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime Supreme Court position.  We discuss how the GOP leaders intentionally forced the process in September, even as the National Archive made clear it could not produce all of the nominee’s papers before October.  What became the first round of hearings did create a record of Kavanaugh’s lies to the Judiciary Committee in his prior confirmation to the DC Court of Appeals, but Briney notes that Democratic senators who exposed the lies were unwilling to actually call them “lies”.

We discuss the Jeff Flake moment that led to the phony “re-opening” of FBI background checks, followed by the floor vote that saw all Republicans and one Democrat voting for a clearly compromised nominee.  Briney expresses special ire for California Senator Dianne Feinstein, and hopes for wholesale replacement of the current Senate membership.