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PBC News & Comment: No Prison for Bowe Bergdahl, No Justice at Air Force Academy

Accused of desertion, Bowe Bergdahl gets lenient punishment; former Air Force inspector Brandon Enos confirms coverups, retaliation at AF Academy…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: No Prison for Bowe Bergdahl, No Justice at Air Force Academy

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In-Depth Interview: Former Air Force Investigator Confirms Coverups and Retaliation Over Sex Crimes at Air Force Academy

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In this third installment of our unintentional series about sex scandals at the Air Force Academy, former investigator Brandon Enos confirms coverups and retaliation, despite public claims of “zero tolerance” and cleanup efforts. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Former Air Force Investigator Confirms Coverups and Retaliation Over Sex Crimes at Air Force Academy

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PBC News & Comment: New Evidence: ’16 Primaries Rigged for Clinton, General Rigged for Trump

Donna Brazile tries to rebuild reputation, confirming DNC helped cheat Sanders; exit polls show November tally rigged to elect Trump… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: New Evidence: ’16 Primaries Rigged for Clinton, General Rigged for Trump

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PBC News & Comment: In Response to NYC Attack, Trump Is Unhinged, Divisive

Trump’s emotional, irrational reaction to NY truck attack defines his ignorance and lack of self-control, giving terrorists what they seek…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: In Response to NYC Attack, Trump Is Unhinged, Divisive

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist Roger Shuler Says Alabama’s Democratic Senate Candidate is Karl Rove’s Favorite

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Reporter Roger Shuler, who’s exposed ongoing corruption in Alabama, returns to talk about the Senate runoff between Bible-thumpin’ Roy Moore and a compromised Democrat, Doug Jones. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist Roger Shuler Says Alabama’s Democratic Senate Candidate is Karl Rove’s Favorite