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In-Depth Interview: Author and Attorney Dan Kovalik Challenges Trump/Russia Narrative

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Dan Kovalik is a labor lawyer and author from Pittsburgh, and he stopped by for another interview about his book, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia.  We apply skeptical thinking to the recent developments in the consensus narrative that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Author and Attorney Dan Kovalik Challenges Trump/Russia Narrative

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In-Depth Interview: Journalist John Nichols Talks About Trump’s Wrecking Crew, Russiagate, Impeachment, More

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The Nation‘s John Nichols returns to talk about his new book on Trump’s team, the Trump/Russia narrative, impeachment and much more. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Journalist John Nichols Talks About Trump’s Wrecking Crew, Russiagate, Impeachment, More