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PBC News & Comment: Trump Gives Bizarre, Candid Interview to “Failing NY Times”

Trump dumps on Sessions, Mueller, Rosenstein and the rule of law in general, as he petulantly complains about the investigations…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Trump Gives Bizarre, Candid Interview to “Failing NY Times”

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PBC News & Comment: Outside of Obamacare Battle, Dems Back Some Bad GOP Ideas

GOP effort to kill Obamacare collapses, but Trump will use other tools to undermine it, leaving millions uncertain about 2018 coverage…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Outside of Obamacare Battle, Dems Back Some Bad GOP Ideas

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In-Depth Interview: Green Party Leader David Cobb on American Meddling in 2016 Election, and His Vision for Revolution

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Reconnecting with visionary progressive leader David Cobb, we get an insider view of the manipulation of the 2016 election by Americans, the results of partial recounts in 3 states, and his new project training nonviolent revolutionaries. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Green Party Leader David Cobb on American Meddling in 2016 Election, and His Vision for Revolution

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PBC News & Comment: Rachel Maddow Acknowledges Trump/Russia Skeptics

For first time, Maddow acknowledges some of The Intercept’s skeptical reporting on her unproven Trump/Russia telenovelas and exposes entrapment attempt…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Rachel Maddow Acknowledges Trump/Russia Skeptics

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In-Depth Interview: Prof. Corey Dolgon Talks About His New Book, “Kill It To Save It”

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Prof. Corey Dolgon explains how the conservative “kill it to save it” mentality is being applied to the scuttling of Obamacare, the privatization of education and the transfer of wealth to those who have the most already. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Prof. Corey Dolgon Talks About His New Book, “Kill It To Save It”