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In-Depth Interview: Sen. Bob Graham Talks About “28 Pages” and the Saudi Role in 9/11

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Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL, ret.) former chair of first 9/11 investigation, comments on “28 pages” released in July, and demands a new, real investigation of 9/11 including the role of Saudi Arabia. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Sen. Bob Graham Talks About “28 Pages” and the Saudi Role in 9/11

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PBC News & Comment: UC Berkeley Reinstates Course that Zionists Protested

After strong criticism for curbing free speech and academic freedom, Berkeley reinstates course on ‘settler colonialism” after Zionist groups protested… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: UC Berkeley Reinstates Course that Zionists Protested

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In-Depth interview: Reporter Jason Leopold Talks About “Snowden”, Clinton E-mails and CIA Torture Report

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Jason Leopold, investigative reporter for Vice News, returns to talk about Oliver Stone’s new movie Snowden, the continuing saga of Clinton emails, and The Guardian’s blockbuster report on the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into CIA torture.
Continue reading In-Depth interview: Reporter Jason Leopold Talks About “Snowden”, Clinton E-mails and CIA Torture Report

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PBC News & Comment: Oliver Stone’s “Snowden” Adds Much to Whistleblower’s Story

In nationwide premier, Stone’s new film “Snowden” adds important personal and career info to NSA leaker’s story, motivation, and actions….. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Oliver Stone’s “Snowden” Adds Much to Whistleblower’s Story

Posted on Categories PBC

PBC News & Comment: UC Berkeley Suspends Class for Alleged Pro-Palestinian Bias

After complaint from pro-Zionist groups, Berkeley chancellor suspends student-led class on Palestine with focus on “settler colonialism”, limiting free speech… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: UC Berkeley Suspends Class for Alleged Pro-Palestinian Bias

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In-Depth Interview: Prof. Andrew Bacevich on the Long Arc of America’s Mideast Wars

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Andrew J. Bacevich discusses his new book, America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History, and calls for path to peace. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Prof. Andrew Bacevich on the Long Arc of America’s Mideast Wars