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PBC News & Comment: ObamaCo Appears to Accept Assad Remaining in Power in Syria

Obama’s stubborn insistence that Assad and Islamic State must both be ousted yields to reality, according to new leaked document…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: ObamaCo Appears to Accept Assad Remaining in Power in Syria

Posted on Categories News & Comment

PBC News & Comment: Even As Frame-jobs and Entrapment Are Exposed, FBI Keeps Abusing Its Police-State Powers

From Fort Dix to Rochester to Shrimp Boy trial in San Francisco, FBI’s Gestapo tactics are revealed, and Americans yawn…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Even As Frame-jobs and Entrapment Are Exposed, FBI Keeps Abusing Its Police-State Powers

Posted on Categories PBC, Premium

In-Depth Interview: Prof. Ken Geiser Envisions Transition to Green Chemicals

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Ken Geiser is Professor Emeritus of Work Environment at U-Mass Lowell, former director of Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute, and author of Chemicals Without Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World. Continue reading In-Depth Interview: Prof. Ken Geiser Envisions Transition to Green Chemicals

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PBC News & Comment: Obama’s Action on Gun Buyer Background Checks Exposes Ugly Realities

Hammered by gun huggers, Obama’s feeble efforts at sensible gun regulation expose the extreme power of NRA, its minions… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Obama’s Action on Gun Buyer Background Checks Exposes Ugly Realities