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Investigative Reporter Peter Byrne Debunks Breast Cancer Cluster Reports

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In a new crowdfunded investigation, investigative journalist Peter Byrne challenges claims that Marin County, California has the highest rate of breast cancer cases in the world.  In this conversation, he persuasively presents his case. Continue reading Investigative Reporter Peter Byrne Debunks Breast Cancer Cluster Reports

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PBC News & Comment: Court Joins Power Struggle Over Immigration–Showdown Dead Ahead!

Showdown looms as federal court freezes Obama’s executive orders on immigration and House threatens Homeland Security shutdown at month’s end…. Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Court Joins Power Struggle Over Immigration–Showdown Dead Ahead!

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Anti-Nuke Activist David Eisenstein Launches MonstahPAC

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David Eisenstein is a southern California attorney who has been active in the shutdown and cleanup of the San Onofre nuclear complex, and he has started a progressive network called MonstahPAC. Continue reading Anti-Nuke Activist David Eisenstein Launches MonstahPAC

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PBC News & Comment: Tech Titan No-Shows at Obama’s Stanford Cyberconference

Obama visits Leland Stanford’s Farm to talk about cybersecurity, in a conference boycotted by top techies from Google, Yahoo, Facebook… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Tech Titan No-Shows at Obama’s Stanford Cyberconference

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Journalist and Law Professor Scott Horton Talks About His New Book, “Lords of Secrecy”

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Scott Horton, who lectures on law at Columbia and is a contributing editor to Harper’s Magazine, talks about the threats to our constitutional rights from the increasing layers of secrecy in government. Continue reading Journalist and Law Professor Scott Horton Talks About His New Book, “Lords of Secrecy”