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PBC News & Comment: What’s the Message from Eric Cantor’s Primary Defeat?

GOP House Majority Leader loses “safe” seat to the extreme right forces he helped unleash; was immigration the only issue?

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–Dems dance on Eric Cantor’s loss; it’s not just about immigration, NSA surveillance was also a factor, says Shahid Buttar

–Shahid has new rap video about surveillance

–Baghdad threatened as 3 more cities fall to Sunni fighters

–Defense boss Hagel in hot seat over Bergdahl swap

–here’s an excerpt from our interview with author Nell Bernstein on America’s broken juvenile prison system

–new complaint documents abuse of children and teens in immigration jails

–on college campuses, all crimes decline except sex offenses

–in Tampa, guilty verdict in another FBI-driven “domestic terrorism” case

–EU launches investigation of European tax dodges by Apple, Starbucks

–California judge overturns teacher tenure in case brought by “students”

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Author Nell Bernstein Exposes Failed Juvenile Prison System, Says “Shut It Down!”

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With over 20 years of research into our broken prison systems, author Nell Bernstein’s new book Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison, reveals the sordid reality: children are locked up for minor offenses, and exposed to pathologies that leave them most likely to become adult prisoners.

Continue reading Author Nell Bernstein Exposes Failed Juvenile Prison System, Says “Shut It Down!”

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Expert Views on Guantanamo Controversey: Journalist Andy Worthington and Attorney Jon Eisenberg

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As political leaders attack Obama for swap of Taliban prisoners and ignore important related issues, we talk with journalist Andy Worthington about the Bergdahl trade and lawyer Jon Eisenberg about the legal battle over force-feeding Gitmo hunger strikers. Continue reading Expert Views on Guantanamo Controversey: Journalist Andy Worthington and Attorney Jon Eisenberg

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PBC News & Comment: Guantanamo Tops the News, Mostly for the Wrong Reasons

As Guantanamo controversy builds, we get straight information from journalist Andy Worthington and attorney Jon Eisenberg on force feeding disputes…… Continue reading PBC News & Comment: Guantanamo Tops the News, Mostly for the Wrong Reasons

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Medical Cannabis Activist Steve DeAngelo Comments on House Vote to Block Prosecutions of Legal Dispensaries

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Steve DeAngelo is co-founder and executive director of the nonprofit Harborside Health Center, and joins us to comment on the House amendment that blocks funding for prosecution of state-legal medical cannabis dispensaries. Continue reading Medical Cannabis Activist Steve DeAngelo Comments on House Vote to Block Prosecutions of Legal Dispensaries