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Info on Podcast #66

The Health Care Debate: Angela Bonavoglia talks about the Stupak amendment and undue influence by Catholic bishops; Dr. Len Saputo and Byron Belitsos on the defects of the House bill. Film reviewer Gary Chew on Pirate Radio. Bonavoglia is the author of Good Catholic Girls: How Women Are Leading the Fight to Change the Church, and we discuss the huge rollback of abortion rights intended by Stupak, and the role of the Catholic bishops in its passage. PBC concludes that this is a poison pill and that the overall bill will make things worse. Saputo and Belitsos chime in, and argue that true reform is unlikely to come from a Congress beholden to the insurance and health industries. They also have just published a paper called The Infection Deception, which raises major questions about the true extent of the epidemic and the value of vaccine efforts. Please read this report before you get a vaccination! Gary Chew says the new Pirate Radio movie is fun for radio geeks, but not a great film. Read his review at