Nomi Prins talks about Democrats’ moves to weaken Sarbanes-Oxley and the plans to pay out record bonuses; Robert Dreyfuss talks about the “Generals’ Revolt” against Obama re: Afghanistan. Prins is a former Goldman Sachs managing director, and the author of the new book “It Takes A Pillage”; she also talks about Glass-Steagall and its repeal under Clinton, and the obscene bonuses projected by Goldman Sachs this year. Prins is speaking in San Francisco at the Commonwealth Club on Tuesday, November 10. Dreyfuss talks about his recent article in Rolling Stone on the leak of Gen. McChrystal’s report and Obama’s response, and suggests that Obama should have fired McChrystal. We also talk about the range of bad options Obama is facing vis a vis the Taliban and al Qaeda; about Hillary Clinton’s recent visit to Pakistan, and about her stop in the Middle East and her controversial comments on Israeli settlements. In his blog at www.thenation.com Dreyfuss states that Obama’s peace efforts there are a failure.