Activist David Swanson joins Peter to talk about a host of progressive issues, Harper’s magazine DC editor Ken Silverstein rates the prospects for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, and Gary Chew reviews 2 summer movies. Swanson’s new book, due 9/1/09, is “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency…” In this podcast, he offers strong views on investigations of torture, detention, wiretapping and abuse of the state secrets privilege. He also talks about Obama’s use of signing statements, which he had sharply criticized as a candidate just a year ago; he also talked about the progressive lobbying against the recent $100 billion supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan. Silverstein, who also writes the Washington Babylon blog at, details the array of lobbyists, corporatists, and Democrats who are trying to kill labor’s top agenda item, and says Obama is not pushing it at all. And Gary Chew tells us about the new Harry Potter flick and Sacha Baron Cohen’s new insult and gross-out movie, Bruno.