Gitmo, still open; an Israeli whitewash; Obama’s “disgusting” policies. Andy Worthington, British journalist and author of The Guantanamo Files updates us on Guantanamo: 93 % of the prisoners Bush and Cheney called “the worst of the worst” were innocent. 60 of the 181 remaining detainees are innocent Yemenis whose release is blocked by Obama’s moratorium, which is being snubbed by federal judges; 48 others are designated to be held indefinitely without trial, only 35 will face trials, including the KSM posse. Read Andy’s frequent updates on his website, and please support him if you can. PBC offers news and commentary on Israel’s “investigation” of its attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla on May 31, starting at 1 hour 2 minutes into the podcast. In the third segment starting about 1:11 Roger Shuler returns to talk about the Siegelman case, and a recent commentary he wrote about the Obama administration’s policies on whistleblowers and civil liberties, where he quotes Anthony Romero of the ACLU who is “disgusted” with Obama’s policies. Bonus music with meaning from Neil Young and John Fogerty.